Monday, June 13, 2011

US Route 20: Cleveland, Ohio at Public Square

As I live in the Cleveland Ohio metropolitan area, it’s easy to get downtown, where US Route 20 - known in Cleveland as Euclid Avenue – travels right through the heart of Cleveland’s Public Square. Here are photos taken on US Route 20: one facing west to Public Square and Cleveland’s famous landmark, The Terminal Tower (that large bus you see is part of Cleveland’s RTA Healthline), and two photos facing east looking straight down US 20. I also included a photo from the west shoreway with an exit sign for US 20.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'll be sure to look out for Terminal Tower in Cleveland as I make my way through. I'll be traveling Route 20 all the way from coast to coast this summer, and just found your blog. I'm working on reading my way through past posts that can help plan my journey. I'll be updating daily on my progress along Rte 20 at my blog.